next generation colorectal cancer screening

Our research

CRCbioscreen is founded based on groundbreaking research from the Translational Gastrointestinal Oncology group at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, headed by Gerrit Meijer, co-founder and CSO of the company.

For over a decade this group has been having a leading role in multidisciplinary and multicenter team science in to new diagnostic tests for early detection of colorectal cancer, as well as unraveling the underlying biology of pregression of precancerous lesions (polyps) of the large intestine into cancer. This work has led to over a hundred papers related to colorectal cancer early detection in reknowned peer reviewed international journals. The findings described in the recent landmark publication on the multi-target Fecal Immunochemical Test (mtFIT) published in the Annals of Internal Medicine have led to the basis of CRCbioscreen.

CRCbioscreen is co-financing a prospective screening trial that currently is being conducted in over 13,000 participants in the Dutch national colorectal cancer screening program. The trial is being coordinated by the Translational Gastrointestinal Oncology group at the Netherlands Cancer Institute.
